If you have a skin problem like pigmentation, you might consider getting a laser treatment for your problem. There are a few things you should consider before getting the treatment. First, you should consider what your desired outcome is and how much downtime you’re willing to experience. Second, you should look for the best doctor to give you the best results.
Dermal melasma
A number of treatments are available for dermal melasma pigmentation. These treatments target different pathogenic elements including inflammation, photodamage, and aberrant vascularity. The available therapeutic arsenal includes agents that inhibit melanin biosynthesis, lasers, and chemical peels. However, the results of these treatments are mixed, with some patients reporting a good response while others report poor results.
In melasma, the content of epidermal and dermal melanin increases, although the quantity of melanin increases in severity of hyperpigmentation. Despite the high melanin content, most studies report that the number of melanocytes is not increased quantitatively. However, the melanocytes are enlarged and show prominent dendrites and melanosomes. Other findings of melasma include the presence of solar elastosis and mast cells. The expression of the vascular endogenesis growth factor (VEGF) is also increased.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is a common skin condition. It is most common in individuals with darker skin, but can affect anyone. In some cases, the pigmentation may fade on its own. To speed up the process of fading, you may opt for treatment. A qualified dermal therapist or dermatologist can help you find the best treatment option. For best results, treatment should be started before the development of the pigmentation.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is caused by an inflammatory process that triggers the skin to produce excessive melanin. This overproduction of pigmented cells in the skin, called melanocytes, delivers melanin to skin cells. However, the skin can produce too much melanin and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can occur even after the wound heals. A majority of people who have acne will experience some form of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Even the smallest pimple can lead to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Microdermabrasion is an option for treating pigmentation. It has several benefits including the reduction of dark spots, improving the texture of the skin, and cleaning the pores. It can also improve drug delivery. It has been found to help deliver 5-fluorouracil, lidocaine, and insulin more effectively.
Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that is safe for people of all skin types. It works by gently removing the dead skin cells from the skin. Microdermabrasion is also used to improve skin texture, reduce fine lines, reduce dark spots, and remove acne scars and blackheads. The procedure also encourages the skin to heal faster. Patients may experience temporary redness and discomfort after the procedure. They are often advised to avoid the sun for a few days following the procedure.
Microdermabrasion can also help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. This can be caused by pregnancy, weight gain, or hormonal changes. During microdermabrasion, collagen is produced in the skin, which makes skin look younger and smoother. The procedure can also improve scars from acne, including ice pick acne scars.
Laser treatments
Using lasers, physicians can treat pigmentation with ease and virtually zero downtime. Lasers work by abrading the melanin in melanocytes, which then coagulates epidermal cells, forming microcrusts, which shed off to produce clinical improvements in pigmentation.
People who suffer from pigmentation often experience a lack of self-confidence. The pigment in their skin, called melanin, is produced in excess and causes patches of skin that are either lighter or darker than the rest. While there is no cure for hyperpigmentation, advanced laser treatments can help reduce or completely eliminate it.
Several different types of lasers are used to treat pigmentation. Each has its own protocol for the application of light. Certain wavelengths penetrate deeper into the skin than others. A doctor can assess your specific pigmentation problems and decide which type of laser is best for you.
Lightening creams
A lightening cream can help you achieve a more even skin tone. Skin lightening creams typically contain a combination of ingredients, including hydroquinones and licorice. Some also include Kojic acid or Vitamin K. However, it is important to consider side effects before using a cream. Some of these ingredients can cause contact dermatitis and itching. They also increase your risk for developing black or blue pigmentation.
Besides treating hyperpigmentation, skin lightening creams also address dark spots and scars. Retinol, an active ingredient in many skin lightening creams, boosts the rate of skin cell turnover, shedding dead cells and revealing fresher, healthier ones. Hydroquinone, another common ingredient, inhibits melanin production by melanocytes. However, it can cause skin irritation and exaggerate hyperpigmentation.